Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why People Use Teeth Whitening Products

Do you know what causes stains in your teeth? It is going to be interesting to you to find out what is dangerous to the outer layer of your teeth.

Eating food, nicotine and caffeine can change the color of your teeth. It will form a layer like a pellicle film on your teeth and a dentist scraping it off can remove this with a chemical or.

Brushing your teeth is going to help clean your teeth and get rid of stains. There are also toothpastes out there that will have a special abrasive to help along the process. Teeth whitening toothpastes are very effective in cleaning stains on the teeth enamel.

Teeth enamel is very porous. Hydroxyapatite crystals in the way of microscopic hexagonal rods are what make up the enamel.

The grouping of these different substances over the years can get into the pores and will lie in the inner layer of the teeth where they are hard to reach. The deep stains are not going to harm you but they do not look attractive on your teeth.

In order to get rid of the stains, people will go to their dentist for the teeth whitening procedures.

A bleaching chemical is used called carbamide peroxide or a hydrogen peroxide when you are whitening your teeth.

This is the normal tooth-whitening agent and will cause a reaction that will break up the stains.

The chemical compound of car amide peroxide breaks inside the mouth and the hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide will be a very important factor in the act of whitening teeth.

The Care After Using Teeth Whitening Treatment

When you want to whiten your teeth, it is not a one-time thing. When you eat a lot of staining products you need to be careful because you will find that your teeth start to stain very quickly.

There are people that try and avoid these types of staining foods but still end up with discolored teeth after about a year. At this time a second teeth-whitening process will need to be done.

There are a few things that you can do to help keep your teeth white and stay whiter for a longer time period.

Tea, coffee, and other dark colored drinks can stain your teeth over time. Drinking through a straw may help to avoid this problem a littler easier.

When you drink through a straw you are passing the teeth and the liquid is going straight down and passing up the teeth. This is a great find when you want to have all the taste of dark colored products and not stain your teeth.

You might want to also brush your teeth as often as you can. Flossing is also something that you must do on a regular basis as well. You should at least rinse your mouth with mouthwash if you are not able to floss or brush right after taking in these staining foods.

When you are out to eat or enjoying a party, you should take care of rinsing or brushing the moment you get home.

Using good oral hygiene is very important to healthy teeth. You need to brush at least twice a day and floss no less than once day. You want to keep your teeth shiny and healthy and this will defiantly help.

Another tip is to use whitening toothpaste as often as you can. You may want to even see your dentist as often as you can and get touched up when needed.

When the Teeth Whitening Does Not Make a Difference

Teeth whitening are not one hundred percent productive for some people.
Anyone that is under the age of sixteen should not be bleaching their teeth with any type of whitening products. The pulp chamber or the nerve can be enlarged on the tooth due to using these chemicals below this age.

Teeth whitening under the age of sixteen can be the reason of irritation to the pulp and can make your teeth more sensitive. Women that are pregnant should not use them either or any woman that is breast-feeding.

People that have sensitive teeth and problems with their gums should not use the whitening products either. They should talk to their dentist before even trying them.

Anyone having allergies to peroxide are not recommended to using the bleaching agents.

Diseases in the gums and teeth and enamel that are decaying should not use teeth whitening processes. Any cavity in a tooth can cause the bleaching agents to get into the existing decay and cause a type of irritation.

People that have tooth roots that are showing are also not recommended to use bleaching agents because the roots do not have enamel covers.

Teeth that have any type of fillings, veneers, crowns, or bonding should never be bleached. This can cause a result in uneven bleaching and you should stop bleaching two weeks before any fillings take place.

The yellow stains can be changed to white easily. However the brown, bluish gray, and purple will show less improvement with the teeth whitening process.

All people are different and will act differently to the teeth whitening process. Anyone that smokes should refrain from smoking during the teeth whitening process to get the right results. The color that you want should be a shade lighter than the white part inside your eye.

Process of Teeth Whitening

When you try to whiten your teeth you are actually changing the color of them. There are a few ways to do this if you are interested in using a procedure.

* Teeth whitening toothpaste – there are toothpastes that will help to lighten and brighten the color of your teeth at least a shade or two. There are toothpastes that have chemical agents in them that will polish the enamel and take off the stains. The toothpastes can be bought over the counter from any local store.

* Teeth whitening strips – there are thin invisible strips that are covered with a teeth-whitening gel. You can use the strips just once and see a difference. They contain peroxide to make them work.

* The results should last approximately four months and will only cost between ten and sixty dollars.

* Teeth whitening gels- you can apply these with a brush directly on your teeth. They contain peroxide and last for about four to five months. They will cost between fifteen and twenty dollars. They will improve your color between three and eight shades. This can be a cost effective way of getting the results that you want. This can also take out the deep stains that can normally cost you hundreds of dollars.

Is it Safe to whiten your Teeth

There are many questions out there about whitening your teeth. Some studies are going to be different than others. One thing is that most studies say that it is a completely safe process.

Enamel on the teeth is not going to be hurt I the whitening agent only have ten percent of car amide peroxide.

Having a higher rate of car amide and hydrogen peroxide may be harmful for the enamel on your teeth. However there is fluoride in most of the gels that will take out the harmful contents for the most part.

There are dentists that also recommend fluoride gets to anyone using a higher concentration of the teeth whitening process so they can be protected better.

Some people will have sensitive gums and even irritation due to the usage of the teeth whitening gels on a regular basis. When this happens you should skip a few days in between uses and not use it everyday.

You may even want to cut back on the amount of time that you leave it on your teeth. The at home and over the counter products may give many people sensitive teeth and even irritate the gums a little bit.

This is where a prescription for fluoride is going to be a big help for the sensitivity. There is medication called Oriel that you can buy in most stores to help with any gum irritation.

Dentists are irritated because of the patient loss due to the over the counter products that can be purchased now. Many people do not have to see their dentist to whiten their teeth because they can buy it for much less in most stores.

However, the products that are out there help to create excitement about teeth whitening. This can help dentists because many want to go one step further with the cosmetic process that many dentists can offer.

Many ads will request that you speak to your dentist first before you turn to a teeth-whitening process. You want to make sure that you fully understand what you will be doing and what to expect with the procedure.

How to Whiten your Teeth

Doing it yourself

There are different ways that you can whiten your teeth at home. The one way is to get a customized impression tray fitted to your top and bottom teeth. You will want to wear this piece a few hours of each day filled with gel that whitens the teeth.

You have to do this for no less than three days. This can be cost up to $500 and sometimes you can find it for less.

Office Whitening

You will see that there are many ways to whiten your teeth. One way is to apply a teeth-whitening gel on each tooth and then a light called a Zoom is placed on your teeth for up to an hour.

The gel is going to reflect the light and this will whiten your teeth. There is also teeth whitening gel that is made from diluted hydrogen peroxide and this is placed on your teeth.

After this a blue light known as a BriteSmile is going to be used on your teeth. You can usually get your teeth about ten shades whiter using a power light bleaching also known as Rembrandt.

There are dentists out there that say this will protect from new stains forming and brown or yellow stains developing. This can be expensive and even cost more than $500.

Your teeth may be sensitive after these processes. It can take a few days for your teeth to feel back to normal.

If your teeth have yellow on them it may be due to the fact that you drink a lot of cola, red wines, tea or even coffee. Some people that smoke also deal with discolored teeth.

If you do smoke or take certain medications that turn your teeth a shade of yellow, the teeth whitening process may not be as helpful as you might expect.

Whitening your Teeth the Natural Way

You can actually whiten your teeth a natural way. You do not have to use the chemical treatments that are out on the market today.

Back in the Elizabethan times, over 400 years ago, everyone took care of his or her teeth with natural remedies.

They did not have gels, pastes, and even dentists to help them with their dental needs. People were their own dentists and took care of their teeth with their own procedures.

The rich people used a mix of honey, vinegar, and wine to clean their teeth. You may want to try this yourself and compare the difference.

Centuries ago, people would take an old rag with salt and water mixed on it and whitened their teeth. You my want to give this a shot and see the difference. One big surprise was that they would also use human urine on their teeth to whiten them!

You may also want to take certain steps to prevent your teeth from looking yellow. It is known that teeth will start to yellow, as you get older.

Diet is also an important factor in the care of your teeth. Coffee, tee, and smoking can cause your teeth to yellow very quickly.

You might not realize it but one of the worst things that you can put to your teeth is chips and wafers. Another thing to consider is teeth may yellow because it runs in the family. This is another important thing to realize.

Rinsing your mouth with 75% lemon juice and 25% salt is a great whitening agent. Some of the better foods and drinks will also help to keep bacteria from forming on the teeth. They may include celery and cranberry juice.

Dark chocolate will also help to reduce bacteria on the teeth. When you see your teeth start to yellow, you may want to get out some chocolate instead of paying high cost for teeth whitening products.

Risks of Teeth Whitening

There are just a few risks that may be involved in the process of teeth whitening. The treatments that may make your teeth white can also make your teeth sensitive as well.

This is something that you might see in the beginning process of the teeth whitening process. It may gently hurt the soft tissues of the mouth like the gums.

Usually a mouthpiece tray that does not fit right can be responsible for the irritation of the softer tissues. These conditions and pain may not last for long.

If sensitivity begins, you can follow a few steps to take out the risk with teeth whitening products.

First, the mouth tray can be used for a shorter time. If it calls for an hour, try a half an hour to start.

You do no have to use it everyday. You can allow a few days in between if you think this would be better for you.

A dentist or pharmacist can prescribe a product that will have high fluoride to help keep the mineral content of the teeth.

The product should be used on the tray and should be work for four minutes before you begin the teeth whitening process.

Brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste that is made for sensitive teeth can contain potassium nitrate to help sooth the nerve ends of the teeth. These steps may take out the risk of irritation to some point.

The Cost and Effects of Teeth Whitening

No one wants to have yellow teeth. They want to find out as much about the teeth whitening experience as they can. There are methods out there that you can whiten your teeth with no pain.

There are two types of teeth whitening products. They are bleach and non-bleach. You need to figure out which of the two are better for your needs.

The cheaper option is going to be teeth whitening toothpastes that you can purchase in the stores. They will have polishing agents that will take off the everyday lighter stains that are also called surface stains.

There is no bleach in them and they are not capable of the work that expensive teeth whitening products are.

The ones with bleach are going to help to lighten the stains that are harder to get off and the inside stains that are on the enamel itself.

There is hydrogen peroxide whitening products that are used in the mouth with a brush.

The products are found in two forms.

The first one is gel that can be applied for a certain amount of days until you see the right effect on your teeth. The results that you come up with will last for a few months or until you start to see stains on your teeth appear again.

You might want to consider a natural way of teeth whitening. This will last a little bit longer than the gel. The gels normally do not cost more than twenty dollars or a little bit over. However they must be used twice a day.

There are teeth whitening strips that cost around fifty dollars and they do have peroxide in them. You might want to think about the more expensive and permanent like the office whitening and whitening methods that require you to use a tray.

Being Safe with Teeth Whitening Products

When you are trying to find the right type of teeth whitening agent you will want o make sure that it meets the requirements of the ADA for safety and the way it works.

There are only a few products that are going to meet the requirements of the ADA. This means it makes the Seal of Acceptance and it is going to require a lot of time and cost to meet these procedures. Some teeth whitening products do not use this procedure at all.

You must consider that a teeth whitening product that does not have ADA approval so they may not be safe for use.

You can always be assured that products that do not carry the ADA seal are safe to use.

Teeth whitening items are usually given out through a dental office. There are however a few different teeth whitening products that are sold over the counter with the ADA seal of approval.

To tell the difference between the two, you will want to go online or talk to your local pharmacy for their opinion.

There are teeth whitening products out there that are not considered safe for consumers. You will want to think about this before you to select a teeth-whitening product.

You will want to choose a tooth whitening product that will let you mold a mouthpiece and some are more comfortable than others.

You need to talk to others who have used them and get their opinion about what they think.

If you notice a change in color of your gums, or become more sensitive in the gum area, you will want to consult a professional dentist at once.